The Commission was formed in 2001 to coordinate the management and disposal of solid waste within Mountain View County. There are 6 members of the Commission, consisting of Mountain View County, the Town of Olds, the Town of Didsbury, the Town of Carstairs, the Village of Cremona and the Town of Sundre.We manage the regional Landfill site and the transfer stations located near Didsbury, Sundre, and Water Valley.

Regular Hours of Operation CLOSED on all STAT Holidays |
Facility |
Days |
Hours |
Didsbury Landfill |
Monday - Friday |
8 am - 4:30 pm |
Didsbury Transfer Station & Resource Recovery Centre |
Monday - Saturday* |
8:30 am - 4:30 pm |
Sundre Transfer Station |
Friday |
9 am - 4:30 pm |
Saturday |
9 am - 4:30 pm |
Water Valley Transfer Station |
Tuesday |
1 pm - 4:30 pm |
Saturday |
9 am - 4:30 pm |
All vehicles must be scaled into the facility no later than 15 minutes prior to closing time. All vehicles must be unloaded and scaled out of the facility by closing time. |
* Please note that on Saturdays at Didsbury the landfill site is closed and only the transfer station is open for the public to offload into bins. No Commercial loads or large tip trailers can be accepted. |

Didsbury Landfill
NW 25-31-2 W5 Rural# 2042 Twp. Rd 314
West of Didsbury on RR 20. Cross first set of railway tracks then turn left (west) before next set of
railway tracks onto Twp. Rd 314. Entrance on north side of road right next to Didsbury Rodeo Grounds.
Sundre Transfer Station
SW 36-32-5 W5 Rural# 32590 RR 51
1.6 km east of the Town of Sundre. 1.6 km South of Hwy 27 on the east side of RR 51
Water Valley Transfer Station
NE 27-29-5 W5 Rural# 10-27441 RR 52
½ mile north of the Water Valley 4-way stop. North side of road across from the Water Valley Storage.